D&E Custom Building and Design
http://www.decustom.com • PO BOX 777, Gretna, NE 68028 View All Members »True Custom Builder at any Price level. Endless Number of plans to chose from to make it your own. Known well to Gretna but also have earned a great reputation in Papillion, Springfield,Elkhorn, Bennington, Bellevue and Acreages in Nebraska. When you build with D&E Custom you work directly with the builder all through the process and you have a team of dedicated staff to insure a great quality custom home that expresses your personality. The builder is HANDS ON all through the building process to insure quality and offer options along the way to make your home a unique custom home made to make your family live better. We are budget oriented. Contracts are written complete and we attempt to stick to the contract for price with little or no upgrade or addendum at closing. The professionalism and creativity is outstanding. We aren't a BIG builder but we are a Custom Builder that only takes on the amount of work we can handle with the staff we have to insure that quality you can be proud of. We consistently use the same subcontractors over and over to insure every home has the same great quality.
You won't be disappointed in a D&E Custom Home. We can make your home a quality, unique, custom home with your set budget. We go above and beyond to be sure our customers are happy at closing and beyond.
All manufacturers warranties transfer to the buyer upon closing and we offer termite TREATMENT to save you the cost of an inspection. We also offer a Builders one year structural warranty.